Non-Non - vyhledávání - Trh knih - online antikvariát
Počet výsledků: 576

druh výsledku


ihned k dispozici (99)

rok vydání



symposium o vědě a výzkumu v silikátové chemii, chemii nesilikátových pojiv a jejich progresivních aplikacích = symposium on science and research in the silicate chemistry, chemistry of nonsilicate binders and technology application : Brno 12.-14.5.2004
2004, Kongresové centrum Brno


CP 1
Échange des colis postaux entre pays non limitrophes : Tableau indiquant les conditions auxquelles peuvent être transmis à découvert à l'Administration des Postes de Tchécoslovaquie des colis postaux à déstination des pays auxquels l'Administration tchéco
1935, Administration des postes tchécoslovaques


Act No.50/1976 Coll. on town & country planning and on building regulations (the Building Act) in the wording of later regulations
Decree No. 131/1998 Coll. on non statutory planning materials and planning documentation ; Decree No. 132/1998 Coll. on detailed specification of some building act stipulations ; Decree No. 137/1998 Coll. on general technical construction requirements
1999, Institute for Spatial Development


Statistics on culture ...
Theatres, filmed works, galleries, musical ensembles, observatories, planetariums and astronomical observation posts, libraries, museums and monuments, historical monuments, non-periodical publications, periodicals - basic statistical data about the activities of cultural facilities in the Czech Republic.
1998, Information and Consulting Centre for Local Culture


Stanovení využitelnosti živin u přežvýkavců =
Determination of the use of nutrients in ruminants. Determination of rumen degradability of crude protein and amino acids in ruminants by nylon bag. Digestion of crude protein and non-degraded feed amino acids in ruminants by mobile bag : Metoda stanovení
2000, Regionální oddělení krmiv ÚKZÚZ Brno