Non-Non - vyhledávání - Trh knih - online antikvariát
Počet výsledků: 23

Noninvasive methods in cardiology 2011
2011, Masaryk University

Nekonformní metody konečných prvků =
Nonconforming finite element methods
Veronika Sobotíková
2011, ČVUT


Non-traditional places for exceptional encounters =
Netradicionnyje mesta dlja netradicionnych vstreč
2011, Tourist authority - South Moravia

And Then There Were None
Agatha Christie
2011, Harper


Non-classical Modal and Predicate Logics 2011
volume of abstracts : Guangzhou, 5-9 December 2011
2011, F solutions


Non-standard application of physical fields
contributions of Ph.D. student working group supported by GAČR 102/08/H081 "Non-standard application of physical fields : analogy, modeling, verification and simulation"
2011, Technická univerzita v Liberci

Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications
Vol. 9 proceedings of the international school held in Třešť, September 11-17, 2010.
2011, Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Non-standard application of physical fields
contributions of Ph.D. student working group supported by GAČR 102/08/H081 "Non-standard application of physical fields : analogy, modeling, verification and simulation"
2011, Technická univerzita v Liberci

Non-negative time series and their applications
Jitka Zichová
2011, Matfyzpress