Vánoce na Skipalónu
a jiné příhody Nonniho na Islandě
220 Kč
Jón Sveinsson
1937, Vyšehrad
Dobrodružství na ostrovech
Příhody Nonniho na Sjaellandu a Fynu
125 Kč
Jón Sveinsson
1940, Vyšehrad
Za slunných dní
Nonniho příhody z mládí na Islandě
222 Kč
Jón Sveinsson
1934, Universum
Present Fresh Wakefulness
A Meditation Manual on Nonconceptual Wisdom
700 Kč
Chökyi Nyima
2004, North Atlantic Books
Antimicrobial activity of non-traditional monoacylglycerols =
Antimikrobní účinky netradičních monoacylglycerolů : doctoral thesis summary
Iva Hauerlandová
2012, Tomas Bata University in Zlín
Nonlinear vibrations of complex electromechanical systems
2008, ÚT AV ČR v Praze, pobočka Brno
Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications
Vol. 9 proceedings of the international school held in Třešť, September 11-17, 2010.
2011, Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications
Vol. 8 proceedings of the Spring School held in Praha, May 30 - June 6, 2006.
2007, Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Non-standard application of physical fields
contributions of Ph.D. student working group supported by GAČR 102/08/H081 "Non-standard application of physical fields : analogy, modeling, verification and simulation"
2011, Technická univerzita v Liberci
Foreign Policy of Non-Alignment 1964
1964, Inst. of Internat. Politics and Economics