Kniha Non-Humans and after in Social Science - Trh knih - online antikvariát
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nakladatel Pavel Mervart
rok vydání 2017
vydání 1.
jazyk anglicky
stran 266
rozměry 20 cm
ISBN 978-80-7465-199-1 (brož.)

This book is the third in a series exploring the potential of non-humans to illustrate and inspire an approach in which the pre-established boundaries of scholarly thought and practice blur so that new directions in theory and research can emerge. Humans and non-humans are co-present in the world. For long, they have seemed and been thought of as an ontological binary opposition with humans elevated above the rest. As this book series testifies, recently, there has been a move in social sciences towards non-humans as they provide new prisms to look at issues that have for long been of interest to social sciences.This growing interest in non-humans shatters the ontological assumptions about the difference between humans and the rest of life forms as well as reappraises the relationship ...

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