Kniha The Magic of Ireland - Trh knih - online antikvariát
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nakladatel O'Brien Press
rok vydání 2007
jazyk anglicky
stran 72
rozměry 5.4 x 0.5 x 7.2 inches
ISBN 978-1-84717-001-9 (váz.)

Ireland is clearly but indefinably different to other lands; it has a strange compound of weather, landscape, people and that something extra, the remnants of a pagan and medieval past. These elements of people and place combine to give the country a magic all its own. This magic can be found throughout the country; it can be felt at ancient horse fairs or ruined castles, and even on the streets of modern Irish towns. This book encapsulates all that is wonderful about Ireland, from the natural landscape to traditional shopfronts, to give an overall impression of what makes Ireland magical.

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