Kniha Araki by Araki - Trh knih - online antikvariát
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nakladatel Taschen
rok vydání 2014
jazyk anglicky
stran 560
ISBN 978-3-8365-5112-0 (váz.)

Japanese photographer Araki’s powerful œuvre, decades’ worth of images, has been distilled down to 560 pages of photographs that tell the story of Araki and compose the ultimate retrospective collection of his work.Known best for his intimate, snapshot-style images of women tied up with ropes (kinbaku, the Japanese art of rope-tying) and of colorful, sensual flowers, Araki is an artist who reacts strongly to his emotions and uses photography to experience them more fully. Obsessed with women, Araki seeks to come closer to them through photography, using ropes like an embrace and the click of the shutter like a kiss. His work is at once shocking and mysteriously tender—a deeply personal artist, Araki is not afraid of his emotions nor of showing them to the world.

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Sháním tuto knihu

Jakmile knihu někdo nabídne, dáme vám vědět.

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