Kniha Television, Audiences and Cultural Studies - Trh knih - online antikvariát
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nakladatel Routledge
rok vydání 2005
jazyk anglicky
ISBN 0-415-05445-1

Television, Audiences and Cultural Studies presents a multi-faceted exploration of audience research, in which David Morley draws on a rich body of empirical work to examine the emergence, development and future of television audience research. In addition to providing an introductory overview from a cultural studies perspective, David Morley questions how class and cultural differences can affect how we interpret television, the significance of gender in the dynamics of domestic media consumption, how the media construct the `national family', and how small-scale ethnographic studies can help us to understand the global-local dynamics of postmodern media systems. Morley's work reconceptualises the study of `ideology' within the broader context of domestic communications, illuminating the role of the media in articulating public and private spheres of experience and in the social organisation of space, time and community.

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