Kniha Welcome to the Fifth Dimension - The Quintessence of Being, the Ascended Masters' Ultimate Secret - Trh knih - online antikvariát
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Hodnotil 1 uživatel
nakladatel North Atlantic Books
rok vydání 2010
jazyk anglicky

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Martja 18. 08. 2023
Based on her popular workshops in Canada and Europe, Welcome to the Fifth Dimension is author Diane LeBlanc’s guideto helping readers recognize and integrate their multiple dimensions.Through examples, exercises, and channeled teachings,she shows us how to regain our co-creative power and live eachday and moment in a state of grace. The key, says LeBlanc, isQuintessence, a self-coaching program that revitalizes the fivemost important dimensions of human existence in order to feelbetter, recover from disease, and be fully happy. The book breaksQuintessence into groups of five: the five energy fields that surroundthe body, the individual’s five main ÒSoul families,Ó the fivedimensions of the human brain, and others.The book assesses and draws on many contemporary schoolsof thought, as seen in books like The Law of Attraction, The Power of Now, and The Celestine Prophecy. It also provides originalteachings channeled from the powerful entity LeBlanc describesas the "Mother Earth Consciousness," personified as Bianca Gaiawho is LeBlanc’s alter ego. Packed with charts, diagrams, andillustrations, this compelling book encourages readers to radicallyenhance their health and happiness by opening their mindsto this new way of thinking.

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