Kniha Panzram - A Journal of Murder - Trh knih - online antikvariát
Moje hodnocení
Hodnotil 1 uživatel
nakladatel Amok Books
rok vydání 2002
jazyk anglicky
stran 312
poznámka měkká vazba

A detailed memoir and self-analysis by a mass murderer. Panzram was born in 1891 on a Minnesota farm and died in 1930 on the gallows at the U.S.Penitentiary, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Imprisoned for most of his life from the age of twelve and brutally punished, Panzram's keen insight into the arbitrary cruelty of his fellow human being is graphically illustrated with a litany of prison abuses, as well as the details of his own sordid, tragic life. Panzram arrives as a gripping warning from America's past to new prison-industrial complex era. The authors add an historical and sociological framework for Panzram's words.

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