Kniha Leoš Janáček – The Cunning Little Vixen - Trh knih - online antikvariát
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nakladatel Moravské zemské museum
rok vydání 2014
vydání 1.
jazyk anglicky
stran 15
rozměry 125x125
ISBN 978-80-7028-429-2

This fold-out book is a children’s guide to The Cunning Little Vixen, a famous opera by Leoš Janáček. Young readers will get to know the cunning little vixen Bystrouška, other inhabitants of the forest and human figures from around Brno. They will also discover how the figure of Bystrouška was developed from the drawings of Stanislav Lolek, how Lidové noviny journalist Rudolf Těsnohlídek began to write stories about her and how Leoš Janáček decided to write an opera about the vixen’s adventures. This artistic little book contains the charming costume and stage designs of Eduard Milén, which were produced for the first staging ot he opera at Brno’s National Theatre in 1924.

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