Kniha Frontiers, Massacres and Replacement of Populations in Cartographic Representation Case Studies (15th - 20th Centuries) - Trh knih - online antikvariát
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nakladatel Historický ústav Akademie věd ČR
rok vydání 2015
vydání 1.
jazyk anglicky
stran 101
ISBN 978-80-7286-254-2

The publication is concerned with a series of topics, which, for the mentioned many reasons, could not be processed in detail earlier in the Czechoslovak and Czech historical atlas cartography. The publication follows the themes of the Academic Atlas of Czech History (Eva Semotanová-Jiří Catjthaml et alii, Prague 2014), develops them and enriches them with new findings. Two of the six separate Parts present issues connected with migration motivated by religious reformation of the Catholic Church and its anti-reaction manifested in the form of re-Catholicization. Parts III to VI concentrate on the 20th century when the hitherto unknown waves of social and national radicalism surged together with an open fight for the world supremacy, which divided European powers into two antagonistic blocs. Their militant activities or conversely pacific inactivity stood behind the two key worldwide conflicts, which quite "naturally" bred forced relocations of the nations and selected groups of the populations.

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