Kniha What is graphic design for? - Trh knih - online antikvariát
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nakladatel RotoVision
rok vydání 2006
jazyk anglicky
stran 256
ISBN 2-940361-07-X (váz.)

What is Graphic Design For? is a major new graphic design handbook, which extends the issues raised in the bestselling original What is Graphic Design?This guide to the world of graphic design, explores all the issues that shape contemporary design: economics; ethics; technology; multimedia communication; theory and developments in other fields that impact globally on local cultures. A special focus on work from emerging design locations, including China, Russia and Eastern Europe, is particularly invaluable. The role of the graphic designer has never been so diverse: they must often copy write, edit, curate, originate photography and illustrations, design typefaces, and be astute marketers and businesspeople all in a world of converging media.

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