Kniha The Specifics of Communication in Relation to Sexuality I: Helping Professions in Relation to Sexuality, Including Persons with Intellectual Disabilities - Trh knih - online antikvariát
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nakladatel Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
rok vydání 2015
vydání 1.
jazyk anglicky
stran 162
rozměry 148x210
ISBN 978-80-244-4444-4

This monograph includes sets of information leading to greater accountability for one's sexual health and ultimately to safe and responsible sexual behaviour through which people can fulfil their sexual needs in an acceptable manner. The textbook focuses on abuse, including the abuse of persons with intellectual disabilities and the neglected topics of taking specific approaches towards addicted persons. Attention is dedicated to the issues surrounding helping professions and helping professionals, attitudes and sexuality, including the families in which an individual with a disability lives and the issue of sexuality in the context of education and curricula at the state and school levels. It also describes the specific approaches taken towards persons with intellectual disabilities.

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