Kniha Canada - Trh knih - online antikvariát
Moje hodnocení
Zatím nikdo nehodnotil
nakladatel Lonely Planet
rok vydání 2008
vydání 10.
stran 912
ISBN 978-1-74104-571-0 (brož.)

Discover Canada Mosey past moose on the Cabot Trail through to the vast Cape Breton Highlands National Park Quench your thirst for high-mountain adventure amidst the jaw-dropping scenery of the wild Rockies Go easy on the maple syrup while sampling the nouvelle cuisine of Montreal and Canada's other foodie havens Spot caribou and arctic wolves while hiking through 'the land that never melts' In This Guide: 14 authors, 21,522 km driven in 371 days, 45 moose sightings All new, inspiring Outdoors chapter and stunning color section on Canada's national parks Informative interviews with locals from every corner of the country Content updated daily: visit for up-to-the-minute reviews, updates and traveler insights

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