Zvuková estetika v literární teorii a kritice Dionýsia z Halikarnássu
s překladem spisu Dionýsia z Halikarnássu O slovní synthesi
Jiří Pavlík
2010, KLP - Koniasch Latin Press
Music and Broadcasting
[musicological colloquium at the Brno International Music Festival, 39 : Dietrichstein Palace, Congress Hall Brno, 27-29 September 2004]
2007, KLP - Koniasch Latin Press
Socialist Realism and Music
[musicological colloquium at the Brno international music festival, 36 : Dietrichstein Palace, Congress Hall Brno, 1-3 October 2001]
2004, KLP - Koniasch Latin Press
New Music in the "New" Europe 1918-1938: ideology, theory and practice
[musicological colloquium at the Brno International Music Festival, 38 : Dietrichstein Palace, Congress Hall Brno, 29 September - 1 October 2003]
2007, KLP - Koniasch Latin Press
Horror novitatis
[musicological colloquium at the Brno international music festival, 37 : Dietrichstein Palace, Congress Hall Brno, 30 September - 2 October 2002]
2004, KLP - Koniasch Latin Press
Fiant festa per ordinem universum
cistercký kalendář bohemikálního původu z první poloviny 13. století = a Cistercian calendar of Bohemian origin of the first half of the 13th century
Kateřina Charvátová
2003, KLP - Koniasch Latin Press